Design for Better Forum

How do you innovate against the odds and bring positive change?

Our Design for Better Forum brought together a collective conversation with a panel of true innovators, change makers and thought leaders - each sharing their perspective on how to innovate against the odds and bring positive change.

Listen to the incredible line-up share stories and viewpoints on what’s next for brands and how to navigate a complex future. Together, let’s be inspired:

  • Sean Pillot de Chenecey, Founder, Brand Positive - ‘Generational consumer change’

  • Victoria Prew, Founder, HURR Collective - ‘The rise of the rental economy’

  • Marco Philippi, Senior Director Procurement Strategy, Audi - ‘Responsibility in the Supply Chain’

  • Worth Darling, Retail Innovation Director, Vans - ‘Innovating a new way’

  • Kate Shepherd, Co-Founder of The Future Collective - ‘Enlightened Experiences’

  • David Hieatt, Founder, Hiut Denim - 'Slow design and 'doing one thing well'

  • Greg Bunch,University of Chicago, School of Business - 'Finding the opportunities in a VUCA world'

The event attracted a huge audience, becoming Twilio’s second most popular virtual event (the first was in conversation with Michelle Obama!)

Quite simply, The Future Collective are the best there is and it was a privilege to work with people with so much integrity and experience. We collaborated on the Design for Better webinar that we co-hosted. Matt and Kate were fantastic to work with. Whilst we were working to tight timescales with a lot to organise, it was easy, highly productive, professional and above all fun. I look forward to continuing to collaborate and being inspired by the work you do
— Sam Richardson, Senior Visioneering Consultant, Twilio

Watch our Forum.


Collective Belonging


Design for Better film