Design for Better Report
It‘s time to Design for Better. How can we harness design as a powerful force for good?
Design for Better is a flagship report from The Future Collective; a guide to designing for better - not just better for the planet, but for people too - and all that co-exist together. It’s about being more sustainable, more ethical, inclusive, purposeful, meaningful and enduring.
Underpinning our mission and core beliefs, in this carefully curated report we explore what we mean by designing for better; understanding the radical shifts in consumer sentiment that are driving generational change, and unpacking the core themes and directions this will take.
Filled with actionable insights, thought-starters and ‘what if’ scenarios, this report features over 160 pages of ideas and inspiration clustered around 6 key themes, including examples of global benchmarking and best practice across a broad range of sectors from food to fashion, beauty to automotive and beyond. It forms an invaluable sourcebook that will directly inform strategic planning and decision making in branding, retail and experiential design.
Purchase our report here.