Reimagining the Role of the Department Store Webinar

Exploring the 6 key trends that are reshaping the role of the department store.

The retail landscape is undergoing huge re-evaluation and change, with department stores in particular under increasing pressure and scrutiny.

At The Future Collective we believe this presents a positive opportunity for radical transformation - both for these iconic cornerstones of the high street, and the brands they host. As designers, strategists and innovators it’s our role to explore and understand the new consumer needs that have emerged from the pandemic, as well as the commercial complexities facing multi-brand and physical retailers; to reimagine the role of the department store.

For some retailers this will mean looking to the past to revive and celebrate heritage, whilst for others this is the moment to look far into the future to innovate and invent in the most revolutionary way, rethinking not only form, but also function.

If the department store is to endure and thrive, then it must change. But that’s an exciting challenge.

In this webinar we explore the 6 key trends that are reshaping the role of the department store, from ‘Visionary Hosts’ to ‘Community Hubs’.

The event garnered international attention, with 1,000 people dialling in from around the world.

Watch our webinar here.


Perishable Moments


Collective Belonging